Complimenting the staggering vista of underwater life, soft corals add colorful accents to the seabed, Middle Garden
Complimenting the staggering vista of underwater life, soft corals add colorful accents to the seabed, Middle Garden

A forest of Red Gorgonian, Temple
A forest of Red Gorgonian, Temple

Yellow Gorgonian, Ras Nasrani
Yellow Gorgonian, Ras Nasrani

The stunningly vivid and beautiful colors of pink and orange soft coral, Ras Mohamed
The stunningly vivid and beautiful colors of pink and orange soft coral, Ras Mohamed

Hard volcano-formed coral, Middle Garden
Hard volcano-formed coral, Middle Garden

Close-up of red soft coral, Thomas Reef
Close-up of red soft coral, Thomas Reef

Red coral with crab, Ras Nasrani
Red coral with crab, Ras Nasrani

Gorgonian and soft coral, Tiran Island
Gorgonian and soft coral, Tiran Island

Close-up of red soft coral, Woodhouse Reef
Close-up of red soft coral, Woodhouse Reef

Rose coral, Tiran Island
Rose coral, Tiran Island

Longnose Hawkfish on fan coral, Ras Umm El Sid
Longnose Hawkfish on fan coral, Ras Umm El Sid

Yellow Gorgonian, Ras Umm El Sid
Yellow Gorgonian, Ras Umm El Sid

Red whip coral, Ras Umm El Sid
Red whip coral, Ras Umm El Sid

Close-up of soft coral, Temple
Close-up of soft coral, Temple

Anemone coral, Anemone City
Anemone coral, Anemone City

Red cup coral at night, Temple
Red cup coral at night, Temple

Close-up of anemone coral, Anemone City
Close-up of anemone coral, Anemone City

A complex edifice of hard coral akin to an underwater city, Middle Garden
A complex edifice of hard coral akin to an underwater city, Middle Garden

Close-up of pipe coral, Sharks Bay
Close-up of pipe coral, Sharks Bay

Close-up of Glassfish on red sponge, Turtle Bay
Close-up of Glassfish on red sponge, Turtle Bay

Sea fan corals with cleaner wrasse, Ras Umm El Sid
Sea fan corals with cleaner wrasse, Ras Umm El Sid

Red cup corals, Ras Umm El Sid
Red cup corals, Ras Umm El Sid

Bubble coral with Glass shrimp at night, Turtle Bay
Bubble coral with Glass shrimp at night, Turtle Bay

Ghost pipefish, Near Garden
Ghost pipefish, Near Garden

Brain coral, Middle Garden
Brain coral, Middle Garden

Close-up of Nudibranch, Near Garden